Category Archives: Make Your Own-Accesslories/Bike Clothes

How to make a Cycle Cap

As cycle clothes are expensive and .. often boring, here is a way to make your own.

Every cyclist should have a sewing machine, even blokes!

Cyclist makes a Messenger bag out of Plastic Bags

As a radical cyclist I like to find ways of recycling plastic bags, and one of the ways is to make a messenger bag. For this project, you need a sewing machine and some wax strips.

Bike Vogue: The Weird & Wonderful World of Bike Seat Covers

I have started to crochet a bike seat cover and it has naturally led me on to another bike topic and yet, another bike blog.

It is called and I will start adding to the collection.

Now if you look at that blog (also bottom right under My Cycling Blogs) you will see the link there.

In that link, you will see supercool ‘Critical Mass’ trendy bike seat covers, like never before, and I recommend you look at the link category ‘Downright Weird’.. now how many cyclists in London have a cow bicycle seat, complete with horns?